Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm on the outside of love.

Someone told me to make it a point
to start writing again.

Well here I am.

I have three papers due this coming week and I have to go to work in about a half hour, which means I need to finish the first of those papers by tonight before I sleep.

It's about chivalry.

The gay man that I have an infatuation with is talking to me via facebook chat every now and then and he makes me smile because I realized after talking to him that

is a very insignificant part of the world.

Did we sacrifice feelings
for facade?

1 comment:

Tslam said...

Yay! You're writing again (and this time not for Schaner)!
I know it's been tough in general. I've been feeling the strain with all of my classes, especially Schaner's, and I don't even have a job. Sure, band and stuff, but that's not too much. I hope you can get things done all right this week. If you want to study together or something, just ring me up. I'll pray for you too, whether the thought gives you joy or disgust. I'm pretty good at not really caring if someone else cares if I pray for them.