Sunday, June 8, 2008

If I were on the movie pleasantville...

my skin would officially be colorful.

i stayed home most of the weekend and studied.
passed up parties and openhouses.
and studied
and worked
and studied

now i have to study some more

but I'm becoming the person I want to be,

I told God I would read one phrase just to please him...
It went something like this
Job 6:13
Do I have any power to help myself, Now that success has been driven from me?

Good thing I'm not the only one that speaks in riddles.

She looks up at the ceiling and stares for a minute and yells
"Can anyone up there explain this to me..."

end weekend.


Tslam said...

Would your skin be colorful because you had sex, or because you had a passionate moment/found who you really were?

Tslam said...

And I'm not actually asking for you to answer.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

okay neverrrmind I feel dumb now.
